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Let’s talk about Sex

July 11, 2018 · Misc

Let’s talk about Sex

Hardly any discussion is more interesting and offers as much scope as the one about sexuality. Everyone talks about it, everyone does it and everyone has hidden fantasies that still cannot unfold freely because the importance of accepting and living out one’s own sexuality is not taken seriously and is called a minor matter in society. We should devote more attention to this issue in order to live out sexual desires free of stigmas without lying to each other. Exactly for this reason I will not only write about sex and paid dates, but also talk about them with my colleague and friend Pascal Schaefers in a regular podcast. We want to educate, inspire and animate. After a few shows by ourselves, we get guests to join us, who are busy interfering. Sex therapists, escorts, porn actors, paid-date users, video makers, anyone who has something exciting to tell is welcome. Everyone should have the opportunity to make an individual contribution, to listen, to give their own voice and to be there when the Ohlala world and the world of sex service providers are finally put in a different light. No more stigmatization, we talk openly about sex and paid dates in our podcast.

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What’s it about?

In the first episode we reopen the themes of »openness« and »stigmatization«. Pascal gives a few examples that he himself has experienced and I wonder why unbiased thinking has still not arrived in our modern society. Can we imagine a society where a woman doesn’t have to go through hundreds of dating requests from strangers and has no idea who is really serious? Can we imagine a world where men and women don’t have to lie to fulfill their wishes? Can we reasonably live side by side with those who choose to make a living entertaining others? We all have sex work to do! We need to work on our views on love and sex if we want to live happier and more fulfilling lives, that much is certain. We must help to emancipate those who currently and unnecessarily live on the edge of our society.

This is us:

Anne Lomberg (Me) and Pascal Schaefers come from very different areas with a common interest: They both deal particularly strongly with their own sexuality and that of other people.

Anne Lomberg is a photographer and author. She mainly deals with the creation of erotic content, the leftover fantasies, which just scream to be heard and in which everyone can find themselves to some extent. She also writes German and English poems of socially critical origin. Her photography is characterized above all by an enormous pictorial language. In various projects she photographs couples having sex to capture the beauty of this act, masturbation topics also find their expression here.

»I think that the sexual desire, the natural instinct in each and everyone of us has such a big power. These days people are feeling still uncomfortable talking about their sexual behaviors, you can watch that. At one point people got very quiet and I always asked myself what’s going on. For me, this became a challenge on his own. I wanted to provoke but also show the aesthetic side of sex with my projects ‘love’ and ‘pleasure’, and that there is nothing to be ashamed of.« Anne Lomberg

Pascal Schaefers is in his early 30s and has been working as an escort for men, women and transgender for 10 years. He came to Ohlala because he wondered why Pia Poppenreiter didn’t actually offer her app for men who wanted to offer themselves. He prefers to use the term »escort« as a sex worker, because he thinks that »accompanying« someone during sex is the more beautiful work. He has published some of his stories in the NEON-DREIER column in the magazine of the same name (unfortunately the legendary magazine of the 00s has now been closed). In addition, he found the opportunity at »ZEIT online« to formulate a larger socially critical essay on sexwork and the many hopes and fantasies that many interested people currently have in this profession. In the Ohlala Podcast you will now have the opportunity to follow his thoughts and stories from 10 years of escort work.

»For me, sexuality is an area to learn a lot about people, how they function, desire. One experiences surprises again and again, because people with whom one might not have or would not want to deal otherwise, appear completely different. Money makes it easier to get to know each other and sometimes to love each other. But sexuality also tells a great deal about society, how norms are created and reproduced, about power structures, how they are consolidated and sometimes – especially during sex – can come into play. I love to reflect on such topics.« Pascal Schaefers

Educate, Inspire, Animate

The new Ohlala sex podcast will start with a concentrated competence in sex knowledge, never losing sight of the 3 important pillars (educate, inspire and animate). Write us for suggestions and feedback at: [email protected]

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